Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne

Mass Times​
Weekend :
Saturday Vigil 6pm
Sunday 9am & 11am (at OLA Church)
Tuesday, Friday: 9am
Tuesday : 6pm (at OLA Church)
Wednesday, Thursday: 915 am (at OLA Church)
9am Communion Service (at OLA Church)
Special Devotions SUSPENDED
Friday after 9am Mass
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament,
Novena, Benediction
Wednesday 945 am (at OLA Church)
Saturday 930 am (at OLA Church)
​To inquire about any of our masses please contact the Cheltenham Parish Office on 9583 6161.

Children's Liturgy: SUSPENDED
The first half of the Mass is the Liturgy of the Word where we listen to readings from the Bible, followed by the Homily where the priest may interpret and relate the readings to Christian life. However, we all recognise that both of these are generally aimed towards the majority of the congregation which is essentially adult. This proves to be of little interest to a young child who may become bored, making church a negative experience.
Children’s Liturgy is actually the Liturgy of the Word for Children. We cover the Gospel of the day at a level the children can understand and enjoy. We enrich this with discussion, prayers and activities. We also try to raise awareness of God’s love, the humanity of Jesus, the Seasons of the Church, the understanding of symbols in the Mass and the context of the Bible.
Our aim is to make the children’s experience of church meaningful, whilst helping them to grow in the faith of the Catholic Church and develop as full and active members of our Parish Community.
Children's Liturgy is held during the 10am Mass on Sundays during the School Term.
​To inquire about any of our services please contact the Cheltenham Parish Office.

Baptism, Marriage & Funeral
Are held on Saturdays during the 6 pm Mass, and Baptismal Preparation Sessions are held by appointment.
Marriages are celebrated as arranged with the Parish Priest. Couples are encouraged to prepare over a period of time, typically at least six months.
By arrangement with the Parish Priest. We will work with you to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible
​To inquire about any of our services, please contact the Cheltenham Parish Office on 9583 6161.